Statement on Learning Disability Deaths during COVID-19
During the current COVID-19 crisis, the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board has continued to function as before with minimal disruption to our work. Our meetings have moved to a virtual format, our face-to-face training is now offered as in an e-learning alternative and we have continued to receive referrals for Safeguarding Adult Reviews.
As part of this business-as-usual approach, the Vulnerable Adults Mortality (VAM) Subgroup has continued to oversee the Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) process. There has been a lot of national press coverage on the deaths of people with a learning disability and as such Alison Chapman, Chair of the VAM Subgroup, has written a statement relating to the LeDeR process in Oxfordshire and how it has continued during the current crisis. The statement can be accessed here: LeDeR statement and LeDeR statement – Easy Read Version
The Annual Report for the Vulnerable Adults Mortality Panel (that oversees the LeDeR process in Oxfordshire) can be found here: VAM Annual Report 19-20