Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) Framework
The MARM framework has been live in Oxfordshire since April 2022. A summary of the MARM First Annual Report 2022-2023 can be found here MARM Annual Report 2022-2023 – Summary
The MARM Framework is designed to support anyone working with an adult where there is a high level of risk and the circumstances sit outside the statutory adult safeguarding framework, but where a multi-agency approach would be beneficial.
It enables a proactive approach which helps to identify and respond to risks before crisis point is reached.
The referring organisation should have attempted all they can to reduce or minimise risk prior to referring to MARM. If risks remain, the organisation can then refer the case for discussion at a MARM meeting, which is designed to enable a collaborative, coordinated and multi-agency response to risks ensuring timely information sharing, a holistic assessment of risk and the development of multi-agency risk plans.
The framework does not replace single agency risk management arrangements or pre-existing multi-agency case discussion processes (such as MDT meetings, MARAC, MAPPA, etc) and instead seeks to support case discussion where no multi-agency case discussion and risk management process exists.
A One Minute Guide to MARM has been designed to offer a brief overview when time is of the essence.
The following action(s) should be undertaken prior to submitting a MARM referral.
- Professionals should refer to the Referral Pathway which is designed to act as a helpful guide to consider the best route possible to respond to a person’s presenting circumstances and risks.
- The Referral Pathway makes reference to OSAB’s Threshold of Needs Matrix. This can be found by following the link OSAB Understanding Safeguarding (Thresholds Matrix) – January 2021 The document is designed to help workers consider whether the person’s situation needs a safeguarding concern to be raised with the Local Authority.
- To raise a safeguarding concern as a professional, please follow the link Oxfordshire County Council – Raising a Safeguarding Concern (Professionals)
- To submit a MARM referral, please follow the link MARM referral form
Please click the following link to access the full MARM Framework document, which includes helpful tips for workers to consider when working with people living with high level risks OSAB Multi Agency Risk Management Framework v7 – May 2023