Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR’s)
Referring a case for a Safeguarding Adults Review: The referral form for a SAR can be found here: SAR Referral Form. Completed forms should be returned to the Board Manager, Steven Turner:
Referring the death of a homeless person: The Safeguarding Adults Board has recently developed a process for reviewing the death of anyone who is homeless. These are referred in using a different form to the SAR Referral Form. If you wish to refer in a death of a person who is or who was recently homeless, please complete the Homeless Mortality Review Referral Form and return it to the Board Officer for Homelessness, Nicky Kaluza:
Safeguarding Adults Reviews in Oxfordshire
Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR’s) are a statutory review process for adults with care and support needs who have died or been seriously harmed through abuse or neglect. The review aims to find out what agencies did well and what they could’ve done better as a partnership. It is not an investigation to assign blame or fault at any agency, it is instead looking at systemic issues of multi-agency working and how this could be improved.
Historic Reports
Reports more than 18 months old are removed from the OSAB website but can be requested from the OSAB Business Unit by emailing
- Rhonda (2021)
- Adult “Ian” (2021)
- Adult W (2021)
- Adult V (2021)
- Adult T (2020)
- Thematic Review of Homelessness (2020)
- Adult J (2020)
- Adult K (2018)
- Adult H (2017)
- Adult F (2017)
- Adult D (2017)
- Adult B (2016)